
Unfolding Tomorrow — Gender equality in entrepreneurship

Women make up for 39% of the global workforce but hold only 28% of the managerial positions. Globally, only 20% of startups have even one woman in the founding team, and a meager 2,3% of VC funding goes to female-only teams. Why is this happening? What can we do about it?
Decorative banner with the text "Unfolding Tomorrow" and logos of Aalto University, Aalto Ventures Program and Aaltoes. The banner is futuristic and in grayscale aside from neon yellow accents.

At Aalto University, we believe in solving problems related to sustainability through entrepreneurship, in facing problems rather than pretending they don’t exist, and in educating ourselves rather than using the lack of knowledge as an excuse. And we believe in you.

Unfolding Tomorrow is an event series that brings the brightest minds in business, academia, and government together to talk about what we can do today to make tomorrow better. The event topics come from the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and their targets and indicators.

The second Unfolding Tomorrow session is about SDG 5: Gender Equality, and more specifically about Target 5.5: ‘Ensure women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making in political, economic and public life.’

We’re joined by representatives from academia, the startup world, venture capital, and politics for brief introductory talks followed by a panel discussion. You’ll learn why female representation matters, what the situation is in Finland and how we can make the business world more accommodating for women.

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Unfolding Tomorrow is organized by Aalto Ventures Program and Aalto Entrepreneurship Society.

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